Barack Obama keeps saying that without the deal on the table with Iran, war will be the only option and the warmongers, chickenhawks, the Israeli welfare state and congressional Republicans all say that is not the only alternative. Well, then let's reject the deal (it will be unilaterally) under the condition that when Iran turns around and immediately re-starts its nuclear weapons program that the United States will not participate anyway militarily and it will be on the rest of the world to do something.
Israelis know that Iran will immediately re-start their nuclear weapons program without the deal but they think Americans will once again bail them out and spend trillions of dollars and waste thousands of more American lives defending them. Iran will be able to reach Israel with their bomb a decade before they would be able to reach our shores, so good luck with that Bibi. Give the Saudis a call, maybe they will help you out. We have plenty of time.