Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sold an uranium mine to the Russians?

Well, of course they didn't but it gives the Clinton haters more lies to get riled up on. Then again Hillary could have hypnotized the other eight agencies who had to approve. By the way, has that Vince Foster murder been solved yet? I still think she did it.

The State Department’s role in approving the deal was part of an extensive bureaucratic process, and the chapter offers no indication of Hillary Clinton’s personal involvement in, or even knowledge of, the deliberations. State has just one vote on the nine-member committee, which also includes the departments of Defense, Treasury and Energy. Disagreements are traditionally handled at the staff level, and if they are not resolved, they are escalated to deputies at the relevant agencies. If the deputies can’t resolve the dispute, the issues can be elevated to the Cabinet Secretary level and, if needed, to the President for a decision. The official chairman of CFIUS is the Treasury Secretary, not the Secretary of State.
That's from "TIME". Not Fox, not Beck not Mein Kampf, but TIME.