Did you hear ISIL killed a hostage? Jordanians just caught the news that ISIL isn't a very nice group. You see, it was just a week ago that even the father and the brother of the barbecued Jordanian pilot said, 'it's not our war'. Really assholes? The last time I looked at a map you were right next door to both Iraq and Syria.
Jordanians were shocked that ISIL would do that to another Muslim. Wake up, motherfuckers. Fight or die. It is YOUR fight. Maybe you will realize that right after they rape and enslave your daughters and just before they cut your fucking chickenshit heads off.
This isn't 'our' war. We're tired of paying the bill for punks who won't fight for themselves. Sunnis killing Shiites, Shiites killing Sunnis - that isn't anything to me but good television. I say let ISIL take over the whole middle east. That way we won't have to be selective in our bombing campaign. Gather in.