Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Give or take 10,000 points

Dow hits 18,000 for the first time ever

US economy grows incredible 5%

You know you don't hear much ragging from the 'lamestream' media about the economy these days. With oil at $52 a barrel and gasoline at $2.10, who could they blame for that, Obama the eco-terrorist? Today the 3rd quarter GDP growth was revised upward to 5%, the best quarter since 2003. Who are pathetic, bankrupting Teabaggers going to blame for that?

The Dow closed today at 18,024. That's 10,075 points higher than what it was on January 20, 2009. Who can they blame for that? ...Just asking.

And oh yeah, what happened with Ebola, Honduran wetbacks and ISIS? Not reading much about that lately either.