Thursday, November 20, 2014

No, winning elections having consequences ended back in 2008

I heard the Pedophile Pigboy today whining about the good old days when winning big elections big used to have consequences. Pigboy must have been real drug-induced in 2008. You remember 2008, right? That was when Barack Obama beat the hell out Insane McCain by 10 million votes and Democrats gained eight Senate and 21 House seats.

So what did the Republicans do after that embarrassing ass whuppin'? Did they do what Pigboy thinks Democrats should do now, and just rollover? No, they all got together on the night of Obama's inauguration and conspired to bring down the government and just filibuster everything they could.

So really, fuck you Pigboy and your Dittoheads, you ignorant slobs. We don't want to hear your pathetic whining. Those are your consequences.