Friday, November 28, 2014

...I just came up with a great idea

"The 14 Teens Killed by Cops Since Michael Brown"

"An 18-year-old was killed by police officers after opening fire on a cop with two guns..."

"Two armed robbers were killed after holding up a Dollar General Store in Columbus, Ohio..."

"A man welding a baseball bat and a kitchen knife lunged at police officers in his home in Georgia, and was fatally shot in late September.

"VonDerrit Myers Jr. was shot in the head in early October not far from where Michael Brown died two months earlier....Police say Myers charged at the policeman, they wrestled, and then he shot at least three bullets before his gun jammed."

...When you see a cop, don't shoot at him. It could be bad for your health.

But I also have another novel idea. Ferguson Missouri is a city of 21,000 people and 67% of those people are African American. The Ferguson police department has 53 officers and four of them are black. What the fuck folks? This isn't rocket surgery. The word 'cop' comes from the phrase, 'citizens on patrol'. Cops need to come from their own neighborhoods.