Friday, November 21, 2014

But what about Benghazi, Teabaggers?

Embarrassed Republicans do Friday Night News Dump
"...The report says CIA personnel responded not just well, but heroically; that there was no "stand down" order, as some critics have claimed; there was no intimidation of witnesses by superiors; there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack; and that a "mixed group" of individuals, including some linked to al Qaeda, participated in the attack. But perhaps the most significant conclusion is its finding that Rice's talking points -- were not part of an attempt to conceal the severity of the incident. ... Indeed, the report determined that the CIA had not sorted out the conflicting intelligence until two days after Rice appeared on television claiming the attacks stemmed from a protest."

You know they have nothing when little Deliverance Boy, Trey Gowdy, has to suck it up and admit there's no there there. After seven congressional investigations and millions wasted over wingnut, partisan bullshit, I say, fuck off Teabaggers. I wish you had cared as much for the 4,500 killed in Iraq has you pretended to care about the four at Benghazi. Not another fucking word.