Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Is our children learning?
"...the teacher told Rush, “[B]ecause of what you said in the book and the way that you explained the Founders’ passion for our country, it was because of that that slavery inevitably was abolished.”
There isn't much that can be done for our children if one of our teachers is promoting historical revisionism from a four-time married, drug-addicted, pathological lying pedophile.

And, imagine yourself a black man for a second and what the Constitution meant to you when those 'founders' wrote it. Not a fucking thing except for more of the same. In fact, the majority of those 'founders' had slaves themselves. Not a word... I can tell you unequivocally what I would think of the 'founders' and the Constitution as it was originally written if I was a black man.   Not. fucking. much.

Oh yeah...'Is our children learning'?  ... Not if they're reading nonsense from the Pedophile Pigboy.