Friday, July 04, 2014

Damn...if only

"Jobs created at the highest level since 1999"

Job creation hasn't been this good since Bill Clinton was in office. You'd have to be ignorant of history not to think that was eventually going to happen. The Big Dog himself schooled you on that historical fact not all that long ago.

I think on this Independence Day Americans should reflect on what our country could have been had we not handed it over to all an Republican government back in 2000. Huge budget surpluses, CBO projections of paying off the entire national debt, 4% unemployment (1) ...and then another 5-4 SCOTUS decision and we've been struggling ever since.

And to think half the country wants to go back to that. What kind of "Independence" can you have when half the country is too stupid to remember even recent history?

(1) And you will notice from that chart that Bill Clinton 'only inherited Reagan's economic boon' from the 80's'.  Sure sheep...LMFAO!