Back when the Administrations knew how to play this shit!
"Reports by the US Senate's committee on banking, housing and urban affairs -- which oversees American exports policy -- reveal that the US, under the successive administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr, sold materials including anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and botulism to Iraq right up until March 1992, as well as germs similar to tuberculosis and pneumonia."
Man, and to think Reagan was also giving the Iranians Tow and Hawk missiles at the same time! Goddamn, if we only had a 'Regime' that could play all sides at the same time.
Forget the fact that little George the Second wasted $2 trillion and 4,500 lives to supposedly go get the same weapons his daddy and the Gipper gave to Saddam.
And the Iraq mess is on Obama, huh? Fuck you. Read some history- our problems in the Middle East lie in the hands of Republican administration policies. Learn some facts and quit being a bunch of misinformed lambs.