Anti-Gay Mother's Day Protester Gets Slushie Thrown At Her
I would never be a Republican again and I have way too much integrity to be a pathetic, America-hating Teabagger, but I'll admit, I'm growing real tired of being a fucking 'liberal', too.
You can't pretend to be tolerant and then applaud this kind of bullshit. The woman has the right to walk around with a sign that says whatever the fuck she wants to say and if you don't like it, too fucking bad!
I read a lot of the comments on the Huffington Post about this incident and shamefully, most were from a bunch limp-wristed liberal hypocrites who if they had this situation reversed on them, they'd yelp like a bunch of spoiled brats and whine all the way to the UN.
It sucks being stuck in the middle of a bunch of assholes.