Friday, March 28, 2014

Mr. Rogers Leaves Washington
My 'conservative' (sic) Republican Congressman, Mike Rogers, is leaving Congress. Having him and his Party in charge of the House of Representatives for 10 out of the last 14 years has worked out so well for our country. Let me share with you some of those highlights;

Mr. Rogers went to Washington in January 2001 - the same year as George W. Bush. In January 2001, 'the Congressional Budget Office projected that in fiscal year 2009, the federal budget would enjoy a $710 billion surplus'. Uh... Bush's last budget was fiscal year 2009 and we had a $1.4 trillion deficit.

From 2001 to 2003, Congressman Mike Rogers voted; for the Make the Surplus a Deficit Act I - Cost $2 Trillion, the Make the Surplus a Deficit Act II - Cost $2 Trillion, the Invade and Occupy Iraq Act - Cost $2 Trillion, and the Big Pharma Drug Kickback Act - Cost $1.3 Trillion.

Mr. Rogers is leaving Congress to become a radio commentator. That's just what the country needs; more hate radio from useless, phony-conservative losers.