NRO, Drudge and Limbaugh jump in that order

"Ronan Farrow Receives Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism -- After 3 Days on Air! "
One teabagging idiot makes something up and the hateful rightwing sheep repeat it until the next lie.
The National Review Online runs a headline that completely contradicts its story, Drudge runs the headline and then Pigboy picks it up and feeds it to his sheep. I saw that headline on Drudge this morning and you know, I decided to actually read the actual story before I categorized it as just another one of those crazy leftwing conspiracies. But, it was tough. I had to dig down all the way to the second paragraph - way below the first picture to read this;
"Prior to the debut of his show, Ronan Farrow Daily, Farrow worked as an adviser to the State Department and with UNICEF, among other humanitarian efforts; he’s contributed to various publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, and The Atlantic."Wow, what a surprise. That award has nothing to do with Farrow's 'three days on the air'. It sure got the sheep riled up, though. Have you teabaggers and dittoheads figured out yet why you're so factually ignorant? There's three - NRO, Drudge and Limbaugh - reasons right there.