Oh yeah, then name one
"Christie 2016 loses to 'generic Republican' in 3/4 of the country..."

I get a kick out of wingnuts; they're always looking for something they've never been nor will they ever be; a fiscal conservative. Oh, the really dumb ones still use Reagan as their model 'conservative'. I say the dumb ones because the smarter ones know that Reagan
tripled our debt, never came close to balancing a budget,
raised taxes 11 times and
sold the Ayatollah Khomeini thousands of missiles of out of the basement of the White House. If that's what they're striving for how can they help but be losers?
But now we're going to have to listen to three years of whining from these teabagging punks. In 2008 they nominated the only person that could have come within 10 million votes of Obama and in 2012 they nominated the best they had. Period. I hope like hell they tear Christie's fat ass apart and nominate some loony asshole like Cruz, Little Ayn or Sarah Palin. After all, that fat motherfucker ain't no Ronald Reagan.