Why would anyone ever think the teabaggers are racists?
Today I heard Mike 'Gomer' Huckabee - bless his weird little heart - whining on his radio show about the poor, misunderstood Teabagger Party. He said, they're not a bunch of racists! All those good God-fearing people want is a government that follows the constitution and one that doesn't spend more than it takes in. Of course, anyone with even a basic knowledge of who got us to where we're at now would have to laugh their ass off at Ol' Gomer Huckabee on that one.
But, teabaggers aren't really racists? Please. The Teabagger Party formed in Barack Obama's second month in office, February 2009. Their big, loud and initial mantra was, 'Taxed Enough Already!' It's how they came up with their name! ...Did you know that taxes in 2009 were at "their lowest level since 1950", largely because of Obama's 'stimulus'?
Nah, they're not racists...they were just late. Nobody told the poor fools that George W. Bush and the Republican Congress they elected had already screwed them royally. But they didn't care anyway. Things were different now.