Saturday, June 08, 2013

Update:  Limbaugh once again embarrassingly exposed as lying fool!

Wait a minute-that was 2005!

"Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts"

And you know, I've searched and searched for something on the internets where Limbaugh, Beck, Huckabee or any other America-hater, criticized Bush's policy when he began 'spying on Americans' and I can't find one single word from any of them.

In fact, I remember very clearly that wingnuts were all saying at the time, 'if you don't have anything to hide, don't worry about it'.

You shouldn't be surprised by the hypocrisy from the right.  It's the only thing they're good at. They didn't say shit then, so they should just shut the fuck up now.

ADDENDUM: Geez, I no sooner post this and then I do find a comment from the Pedophile Pigboy on George W. Bush's domestic 'spying' program. Here's what Limbaugh told his ditto-head sheep back in 2005;
"All of this is literally nothing. It is legal."

All right assholes, what changed? Oh, that's right.