Watching the Sunday talking heads this morning I must have heard 'big government' said by at least five wingnuts who are quite simply, ignorant of the facts.
Contrary to what the most ignorant of our society; Teabaggers, Wingnuts, Nazis, the current majority in the House of Representatives and all other rightwing groups, the size of government exploded under their leadership, not under Democratic leadership. It's a lot like when the Teabagging groups formed the month after Barack Obama took office because they were, 'taxed enough already', when in fact during Obama's first year in office, taxes were at their lowest level since 1950. So what they meant was, there's still a black guy in our White House!
Whether it's the size of government, deficits or the number of jobs created - I still fall off my chair laughing about the brilliant smack-down the Honorable Bill Clinton did to the haters last year - Republicans and the low knowledge fools who vote for them, are too stupid and too dishonest to be bothered with the facts.