Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The senile McNasty forgot
Susan Rice Attacked Over Benghazi Assessment Once Held By John McCain

On Sept. 14, three days after the attacks, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), one of Rice's primary antagonists in the Senate, told reporters at a press conference that there had been “demonstrations” at the mission in Benghazi...a week later, on Sept. 22, the entire senate -- including McCain -- cosponsored a resolution that used similar language in describing the incidents in Benghazi and elsewhere in region. That resolution described the violence in Benghazi "coincided with an attack on the United States embassy in Cairo, which was also swarmed by an angry mob of protesters on September 11, 2012."

At what point do we start removing senile, alzheimer-inflicted nutjobs from Congress? McCain has to go.