Thursday, December 06, 2012

If your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle

-------------2008 -----------2012
Obama ----69,498,516 -----63,714,092
McCain ----59,948,323
Romney --------------------59,782,295

The whiny teabaggers are still crying about the turnout. They're even still lying about the supposed three million wingnuts who didn't turnout to vote. That's a lie; there were only 166,000 less votes for Romney in 2012 than McCain in 2008. And, that's to be expected since Republicans are like dinosaurs, they're becoming extinct.

On the other hand, 5,784,000 less Democrats turned out to vote for Obama in 2012 compared to 2008. If those voters would have turned out, President Obama would have beaten the Mormon Moron by almost 10 million votes - like he kicked McNasty's ass - instead of 4 million.

...Just setting the record straight.