Saturday, November 24, 2012

Do we really want some stupid-ass firing off rounds?

One man who got punched pulled a gun and that scattered shoppers, including the impatient line-cutter who took cover behind a refrigerator. Then he fled. Carey says the man with the gun had a permit to carry the weapon and isn't being charged with a crime.
Sure, just have some fucking idiot start firing away in a crowded store because he got punched. Fucking people are a bunch of scared, over-reacting idiots. Here are a couple of comments from some cowgirls at that link.
I love this story. See? Gun control works. It's like self-governance. This stuff makes me want to move to texas.

An armed society is a polite society. I'm guessing Mr Face Puncher will think twice before doing that again. A handgun makes everyone equal. Bullies beware.

Well, speaking of BHO, did the perp look like he could have been O's son?
Grow some balls...and, some brains, fools.