Now that’s some great news, huh? Well, not so much. The economy did pick up 114,000 new jobs last month but unfortunately, it’s going to take 250,000 jobs a month for another 12-14 months just to recover from the eight million private-sector jobs lost during the devastating, 19-month long (12/07-7/09), George W. Bush Great Recession. Of course, twelve times 250,000 does only equal three million but we’ve recovered 4.63 million of those 'lost' jobs since February 2010.
But the '7.8%' unemployment rate doesn't tell us the whole picture. There are a lot of people no longer being counted as unemployed and they are now categorized as 'discouraged workers'. I first heard that term in an Econ I class about 35 years ago. Yeah, it's been around at least that long and it's not something the 'Chicago guys' cooked up. Are people really dumb enough - or hateful enough - to think you could get 2,500 Bureau of Labor & Statistics employees to go along with a conspiracy to cook the books before the election? Are you dumb enough to think all those employees are Democrats willing to go along with such a ruse? Oh, but all you need is a couple at the top... Sure, and you could get a few hundred financial analysts who crunched the numbers to go along with something so ridiculous.
Wingnut teabaggers have become pathetically delusional. If they weren't so fucking stupid they'd be embarrassed. The numbers aren't great but they sure are a lot better than what the failed Bush/Republican's policies left us.
And oh yeah, by the way, August job numbers were revised upward by 46,000 and July, 40,000. Sorry to ruin your weekend. Assholes.