You know the guy I'm talking about; loudmouth who talks a lot of shit until someone calls his ass out?"At the Republican National Convention, [Chris] Christie referred to the California governor [Jerry Brown] as an "old retread." So Brown challenged Christie to a three-mile race, as well as a chin-up and pushup contest. Christie responded Wednesday, telling reporters at a press conference that "Brown can have that contest with himself."
Do you see Fatass in that picture above getting off that helicopter? He used it to fly to his son's baseball game. But, that's not even the worst part. When they dropped him off the helicopter, he had a 'state-owned vehicle' drive his lard ass a 100 yards to the baseball field.
We all know guys like Christie; can sure dish it out but the moment they get called out, they fall and whine like babies. Kick his fatass, Jerry. Great job!