Friday, September 07, 2012

They act as if this came out of nowhere
The percentage of adult Americans either working or seeking work fell from 63.7 percent in July to 63.5 percent in August. That was the lowest percentage in 31 years. The percentage has been falling steadily since peaking at 67.3 percent in 2000.
Millions of people are looking for work. And there are millions who have given up looking. Who in the hell knows what 'real' unemployment is; 15%-17%?

Do you remember the 'Baby boomers'? The 80 million people born here in the U.S. between 1946 and 1964? As you can easily do the math, baby boomers started turning 65 last year. The percentages are adults 'working or seeking work' out total adults and there are a lot adults who have retired. A lot don't wait until 65.

That percentage may never get back to what it was in 2000. There are too many of us baby boomers and some of the assholes will live to 110. But damn, people act surprised. We've been talking about this for 50 years.