Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Romney not fit to be President

'Irresponsible,' 'Craven', 'Stunning', 'Bungle', 'Utter Disaster', 'Ham Handed', 'Not Ready for Prime Time', 'Not Presidential', 'Lehman moment'

I didn't think I'd ever believe this but I do; Mitt Romney is even more unqualified to be our President than George W. Bush.

I mean, Bush was pretty stupid and very easily manipulated by those around him but Romney is even worse. When he said last Sunday that there were things in 'Obamacare' that he liked, his campaign told him to correct himself and a few short hours later he sheepishly retracted what he said.

Somebody in his campaign told him last night to make his stupid comments about Egypt and Libya and he did what he was told to do without even thinking about it. The man is not fit to be a leader. It's that simple.