Monday, September 10, 2012

My interview with Mittens

Stram: Hello Governor. My first question is, why do you walk like a little fairy with a corncob up your ass?

Romney: I am a little feminine like most Republican men.

Stram: Good answer. I certainly agree with that. Next question. You said you "will not reduce taxes on high-income taxpayers" , then why are you doing it?

Romney: Well Stram, I'm doing it to spur economic growth. As you know, reducing taxes on the high income earners allows them to invest more in our economy and they then hire the little people.

Stram: First of all Mittens, trickle down has never worked in this country and you know it. And secondly, you just lied again. You said you were not going to reduce taxes on high-income taxpayers so how would your version of trickle-down work if they don't get the extra cash?

Romney: Well, no one has ever asked me that. Lyin' Ryan and I will give you the answer after the election.

Stram: Sure Mittens. Do you have an extra corncob?  I think you need one crammed down your throat.