Sunday, September 09, 2012

If that was true Little Rand, unemployment would be 7.1%
"If, over the past 40 44 months, public sector employment had grown at the same pace as it did in President Bush’s first term, there would be 1.4 million additional people at work right now. That’d be enough to bring the unemployment rate down by nearly a full percentage point."
I watched ABC's 'This Week' this morning and got to enjoy watching Paul Krugman beat down Little Rand Paul.

Little Rand is a fool to argue economical facts with a Nobel Prize winning economist. Sorry punk, government jobs are DOWN over 600,000 since Barack Obama took office and they were way up under Bush. In fact, over Gump's entire eight years in office, far more government jobs were created than private sector jobs.

You better stick to Fox News. They don't have any Paul Krugmans over there. You need an audience of sheep.

*I just added the link to Krugman's proof for Little Rand Paul and his sheep which he just posted 11 minutes ago.

**Think Progress is having their share of the fun mocking the teabagger's hero, Little Rand Paul.