Sunday, September 30, 2012 points out Obama was way off on his '10%' with the debt

President Obama told Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes that he was responsible for only 10% of the $5.17 trillion added to the debt over the last four years and disputes him on that. He is actually responsible for 39% of that 5.17 trillion.
"That means at a minimum the Obama administration is responsible for $2 trillion, or 39 percent of the $5.17 trillion in deficits since fiscal year 2009."
That is probably close to the truth. And it very rightly points out that George W. Bush and the Republican-led, rubber-stamp Congress actually added $9 trillion to our nation's debt since Bill Clinton left office in 2001 and it was at $5 trillion.

I think the phony-conservatives might want to put that debt clock away since it's obvious that $14 trillion of the $16 trillion is directly due to their failed policies.