Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Attendance was mandatory but no one was forced to attend"
"The rally was held last month in Beallsville, Ohio, thick with miners from the Century coal mine, owned by Murray Energy, a major donor to Republican causes. Within days of the rally, Murray employees contacted a nearby morning talk radio host, David Blomquist, to say they were forced to attend the Aug. 14 event at the mine. ...Murray closed the mine the day of the rally, saying it was necessary for security and safety, then docked miners their pay for those hours. Asked by WWVA radio’s Blomquist about the allegations, Murray Chief Operating Officer Robert Moore said, somewhat confusingly,
“Attendance was mandatory but no one was forced to attend the event.”

I knew when I saw that event on television a month or so ago that those guys weren't all Romney supporters.

Mitt Romney is just another George W. Bush clone. Being that squirrelly is definitely a wingnut thing. We'll see if the majority are dumb enough to fall for it again.