Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wow. Very nicely put, Mr. Perkel

Republican Debt Clock Stunt at Convention Might Backfire
"The Republican party started a debt clock at their GOP convention to try to make a point about how fast the national debt is climbing. However the debt clock stunt might backfire because Republicans are counting on Americans being stupid and having a short memory.

In 2001 when President Clinton handed America over to George W. Bush we had a budget surplus. The debt clock was going down. But during the 8 years America was under Republican control the Republicans turned Clinton’s surplus’s into trillions of dollars in debt. During the Bush years Republicans didn’t care about deficit spending. Vice President Cheney said, “Reagan taught us that deficits don’t matter.” When Obama took over as President the banking system had failed, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month, and America was collapsing.

After Obama took over he did want he could to fix the economy. But the Republicans have been working hard to try to make America fail for the sole purpose of trying to blame Obama for a debt Republicans created. Republicans want us to forget the Clinton surplus, the Bush collapse, and believe that it’s all Obama’s fault because he failed to clean up Bush’s mess in just 3 1/2 years. The debt clock reminds me of Republican failures, not Obama's."
Very well summarized. Fact; In their annual 'Budget and Economic Outlook' report released in January 2001, the CBO projected that our budget SURPLUS by fiscal year 2009 would be $710 billion. - page 22.

On January 7, 2009, two weeks before George W. Bush left office, the CBO released that year's 'Budget and Economic Outlook' report.  Instead of a 'projected' $710 billion surplus for FY09, they reported George W. Bush's $1.2 trillion deficit.  A two trillion dollar swing. - page 9

Some people paid attention.