You know it's obvious when Fox News won't lie about it."...Middle-class married couples could pay at least an extra $1,300 under Ryan's plan, while those earning more than $1 million a year could see a nearly $290,000 cut. ...[under]Romney's tax plan ...taxpayers making more than $1 million would see tax cuts averaging $175,000. Those making between $75,000 and $100,000 would see an average tax cut of $1,800."
Under Romney's plan If someone earning $1 million gets a $175,000 tax cut how come a person earning $100,000 doesn't get a $17,500 tax cut? And under Ryan's plan, if a person earning $100,000 has to pay an additional $1,300 a year, how come someone earning $1 million doesn't have to pay an additional $13,000?
And it can't have anything to do with the percentages paid because as has been proven with Romney, most millionaires pay 13-14%. Even Fox has to admit that.