Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Are people really that stupid? 

"Ryan's plan doesn't cut Medicare and no one over 55 years old is affected"

I have heard a lot of people say over the last several days that Paul Ryan's plan doesn't cut Medicare and 'it doesn't affect anyone over the age of 55'.  Ryan's plan for Medicare turns it into a 'voluntary' voucher plan.  If you want to opt out of Medicare his plan will offer you a $7,000-$8,000 voucher and you can purchase your own health care policy on the open market.  Good luck buying health insurance at that price 10 years from now. 

But, do the people who opt out still pay their 1.45% tax into the Medicare trust?  Of course they won't, so guess what?  People over 55 will be dramatically affected because Medicare will run out of funds way before it would if left alone.

Don't spit in the wind and tell me it's fucking raining.  I can do basic math.

*Pigboy embarrassed himself again today. He's another one of the dumbasses going around ignorantly stating that, "no one over the age of 55 will be affected in any way". It's the stupid leading the stupid.

** Wow, what a deal. Ryan's plan only costs seniors $6,359 out of pocket each year. I hope you saved enough money for the extra $530 a month, per person,  that your health care coverage is going to cost you under Romney/Ryan.