Another Bush/Cheney lie added to the Archives
Declassified Document Proves Cheney Lied

"A document declassified this week by the National Security Archive reveals that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) delivered a briefing to the Bush administration which directly contradicts former Vice President Dick Cheney’s claim that 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta visited an Iraqi intelligence official in Prague.
The document (PDF), dated Dec. 1, 2001 and delivered to the White House on the 8th, claims that Atta “did not travel to the Czech Republic on 31 May 2000,” and adds that “the individual who attempted to enter the Czech Republic on 31 May 2000… was not the Atta who attacked the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001.”
Despite this briefing, just days later on Dec. 9, 2001, Cheney told the late Tim Russert, host of Meet the Press, that the meeting in Prague had been “pretty well confirmed.”
The Iraq lies told by Bush and Cheney costs this nation the lives of 4,500 men and women, 32,000 wounded and eventually two trillion dollars.
I have a suggestion for Darryl Issa and the other Republicans who want to have a congressional investigation; let's do them in the order of severity and the damage they did to this nation. There is
plenty of evidence to proceed.