Friday, May 04, 2012

Sure Mittens, let's attack China over that dude
“If these reports are true, this is a dark day for freedom and it’s a day of shame for the Obama administration,” Romney said during a campaigning appearance in Portsmouth, Virginia. “We should stand up and defend freedom wherever it is under attack.”
Once again, Mitt Romney and all the other punkass chickenhawk wingnuts would love for us to send our sons and daughters to die for 'freedom', just as long as they don't have to send theirs. There has never - in the history of our country - been a single Romney serve our military. Never. Instead of 'standing up' when it was Romney's turn, he fled to France for three years and of course, we know how his five sons have continued their family's gutless fucking family history.

Sure, let's attack China so we can give Mr. Chen his 'freedom'.  Just don't count on the wingnuts because they won't go.