Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yeah sure, Obama did it
A dozen Secret Service agents assigned to protect President Obama in Colombia were sent home amid allegations that at least one of them was found cavorting with prostitutes.

...The scandal marks a major black eye for the White House..."
ADDENDUM: Here are a few comments from that link.
"This is so incredibly embarrassing. Colombia has huge problems with poverty, drug use and girls that turn to prostitution because they have no education. Our President surrounds himself with people that would go there and take advantage of this??!! Truly sickening, the Obama Administration should be ashamed of themselves for hiring this kind of trash.
"If Odumbo had a shred of decency, which he doesn't, he would resign and let America heal and recover from from his treasonous, disastrous, scandal ridden administration. Why doesn't the commie move to Cuba or North Korea?"

"THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA,..........for restoring Americas's reputation abroad."
Isn't it great sharing the planet with such hateful, ignorant assholes?