"Once upon a time, millions of people seemed to believe that electing Barack Obama president would automatically improve race relations in America. ...Back in 2008, 52 percent of Americans told Pew Research Center that they expected race relations to get better as a result of Obama’s election; only 9 percent anticipated a decline. But today that 43-point gap has vanished."Yeah, I was one of those fools who thought things would get better. And I mean, come on, Obama was running against John McCain so I didn't vote for Obama out of racial guilt. Just like my votes for Gore and Kerry; I voted for the better man each time, and I'm still right.
I knew there was something 'different' almost immediately. When you have thousands of teabaggers assembling two weeks after the election and whining about taxes that hadn't changed and too much spending that still belonged to George W. Bush, you know what it's really about. Of course, the signs with the bones through his nose sort of gave it away too. But, who would've thunk... that hate would increase like it has? Sure fooled my dumb ass.