Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Only the chickenhawks and traitors don't understand that
“It’s not the folks who are popping off who pay the price; it’s these incredible men and women in uniform and their families who pay the price.”

It's always those who don't fight who demand we send others to hurry up and die for them.  Mitt Romney and his family are the perfect example of this.  Romney's five sons, like their father and probably every goddamn Romney in this nation's history - have NEVER served this country!  Newt Gingrich is another shameless draft-dodging punk.

All the big-mouth wingnut teabaggers I know never served.  Their children or their fathers never served.  But they want someone to die for them.  They're mostly despicable cowards who should be forced to the front lines.  If that was the case, we wouldn't have to listen to their war drums anymore.