Thursday, February 09, 2012

Michigan's 'Republican Governor' hasn't done squat!

"Republican governor turns Michigan around, builds $500 million surplus..."

That's the bogus headline Drudge put up; 

"Republican governor turns Michigan around..."  

What a bunch of bullshit!  Our 'Republican governor', Rick Snyder, hasn't done a damn thing to create that surplus.  As the article Drudge links clearly states, revenues are up because Michigan's unemployment rate as gone "from 14.1 percent" at the precipice of the George W. Bush Great Recession "to 9.3 percent in December" and Rick Snyder, or any Republican for that matter, had nothing to do with it.  In fact, Republicans like Snyder, Boehner, McConnell and Mitt Romney - almost all of them - did everything they could possibly do to prevent our economic recovery.

Fuck you Republicans!  You're not getting the credit for something you fought hard to prevent!  We're not all a bunch of sheep with amnesia.  We know who was there for Michiganders, and it wasn't Republicans.