Big spending Pete Hoekstra

Hoekstra voted for the Bush tax cuts that helped destroy the $150 billion surplus Bill Clinton left us. Hoekstra voted for the shameful invasion of Iraq that will end up costing our nation $3 trillion. He voted for the $1.3 trillion Medicare Part D scam that was larger than 'ObamaCare' and nothing but a payback to the Republicans' sugar daddy pharmaceutical industry.
Those three votes alone costs this nation well over $8 trillion. Pete Hoekstra voted for every one of them. Debbie Stabenow voted 'NO' on every one of them. So did Michigan's other Democratic Senator, Carl Levin.
Republicans like Pete Hoekstra don't cut spending. There hasn't been a fucking Republican in my lifetime who has ever cut spending. ...I hope Hoekstra wins the Republican nomination for Debbie Stabenow's seat. He can't run on spending. Of course, no Republican can.
ADDENDUM: And, in case you're wondering, Rickie Santorum voted yes on all three of those bankrupting bills, too. That pathetic, knuckle-dragging sleazebag can't run on cutting spending either.