Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hey, I have an idea, Flipper
''We should have left 10, 20, 30 thousand personnel there"

Mitt 'Flipper' Romney just did his 'first Sunday talk show in more than two years' and of course, it was on Fox News Sunday with Chrissy Wallace. One of the softballs Chrissy threw Flipper was on our pulling out of Iraq and of course, Flipper thinks we should have left 30,000 troops there.

You know Flipper - and all you Chickenhawks who like to cheer lead but never had the guts, or the patriotism to serve - we're leaving about 16,000 people there — including thousands of security contractors, so there's still time for you - or your family members - to step up. 

I realize Romney is a Mormon and Mormons leave the fighting up to others but I'm all for starting a 'Grover Norquist' type of pledge for Republicans and other war-mongers that states you will volunteer at least one family member to lead that next charge.  No exemptions. I can guarantee you Grover Norquist wouldn't sign my pledge.

But Mitt, you have five sons. Put up, or shut the fuck up.