Thursday, December 22, 2011

He's either a fool or a liar

"Romney: Bush didn't know Iraq had no WMD"

That's a bald-faced lie.  Bush flat-out lied in his January 2003 State of Union speech about documents that showed Iraq tried to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger.  In fact, in "early 2002, separate investigations by both the CIA and the US State Department had found the documents to be inaccurate".  He was told more than once not to make that claim but he didn't care - he wanted to invade Iraq.  So what if 4,500 Americans died.

It's also a well documented fact that Bush and Cheney did everything they could to "quiet dissent among its own analysts over how to interpret the evidence".  They weren't interested in telling the truth.  They wanted the analysts to back up their lies.  Many did, some didn't.

Another thing that Romney said just last Sunday on FNS was that Saddam Hussein was "not letting the inspectors from the United Nations into the various places that they wanted to go."  That's total bullshit.  The UN inspectors and the IAEA had full reign on anywhere they wanted to inspect and it was Bush who ordered them to leave two days before we stupidly invaded

It's obvious Romney needs to suck-up to the base but those lies have long been debunked and he's not going to get away with repeating them just to get votes.  The historical record on all those lies has long been written.