Friday, November 11, 2011

The Next Anti-Romney


"In a spate of national and state polls today, it is clear that Newt Gingrich is moving up. His RealClearPolitics average in national polling is up to 14.2 percent, well ahead of Texas Gov. Rick Perry. In Iowa he’s climbed into fourth place behind Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Rep.Ron Paul (R-Tex.). His rise seems to be at the expense of both Perry and Cain."
Prick Perry was supposed to be their answer. But then he started talking. Or, stammering. Then Herman Cain...but Herman turned out to be a coward, a tax cheat and as dumb as your average teabagger.

Poor Mitt. If only he hadn't been pro-choice, pro gay marriage, pro gun-control and a pioneer on government mandated health care, he could be their guy.

And Ron Paul?  Yeah, sure. There's no way all those Iraq War cheerleading chickenhawks are going to listen to Paul keep reminding them of how stupid they were.

But now it's gone full circle and what do they have left? Newt Gingrich. The man who epitomizes the words hypocrite and sleazebag and Republican dirty politics.

I like that.  Newt is your guy.  Cain can be his VP.

All day long, baby.  Remember Alan Keyes?   All day long.