Sunday, October 09, 2011

What did you know and when did you know it?

Issa was briefed on Fast and Furious in April 2010

"Chairman Issa, of all people, should be familiar with the difference between knowing about an investigation and being aware of questionable tactics employed in that investigation since documents provided to his committee show he was given a briefing that included the Fast and Furious operation in 2010 – a year before the controversy emerged.” In April 2010, Issa was one of several members of Congress briefed on attempts to stop gun smuggling by criminal cartels."

And I have another question for Darrell Issa; what did you know and when did you know about the Bush administration's identical 'Wide Receiver' operation that you obviously are covering up?  And since you were briefed on Operation Fast and Furious a year and a half ago, how come you are lying about it now?

As I have said before, we need a Congressional investigation of Darrell Issa-a convicted criminal-because he has once again been proven to be a liar and political hack that has no business being on an oversight committee.