Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Unforgettable Years Later
Thank God Osama bin Laden was finally killed and dumped into the sea. That helps a lot.  It makes this anniversary far better than the previous nine.

Bin Laden and al-Qaeda spent ''roughly half a million dollars'' on 9/11. We have foolishly spent well over $3 trillion since.

We lost a total of 2,977 people this day ten years ago. We have lost 6,236 young military men and women since. Not to forget all the wounded.

Osama bin Laden knew he couldn't defeat the United States militarily. He wanted to destroy us financially.

Do you know how much we will be spending in Iraq and Afghanistan today?  $450 million.

Let's go out and wave our flags.  Rah-rah, 'never forget'.