Sunday, September 18, 2011

Paul Ryan is a liar

'Paying taxes on capital gains is a double tax'

That 'quote' came a few minutes ago from Paul Ryan on Fox News Sunday.  It's not verbatim and it's a lie or Paul Ryan is just plain stupid.

The 15% tax on capital gains is on the gain in your investments, and not on the principal. 

Please.  Americans - especially those who generally watch Fox - are already dumb enough without having to listen to these pointy-eared, trickle-down failing, phony fucking-conservatives who have done nothing but bankrupt the country, blatantly lie and get away with it.

Paul Ryan and his party have one plan and that is to keep the economy as bad as possible until the next election.  As most of the last 30 years have proven; if we want to succeed economically, do the opposite of what the Republican say we should do.