Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More sludge from that asshole Drudge

Right now over at the Drudge Report that picture appears with that link below it. You would think the article linked would have something written about Obama giving Netanyahu the 'cold shoulder', wouldn't you? I mean, after all, why have his picture if it doesn't pertain to him? But that's not the case. The cold shoulder is from the UN. Drudge is just a hater and a racist. That's more than obvious.

Today I also heard Rush 'The Pedophile' Limbaugh state that Obama would not have vetoed the vote in the UN on a Palestinian state if it hadn't been for the recent election in New York for Anthony Weiner's old seat. That's a lie, but then again it's Limbaugh so what else can you expect?

The Obama administration has said for months - in fact years - that they would use our Security Council vote to block a Palestinian state. Here is an article from May in the Jerusalem Post that confirms that.  That election in New York was last week.

Fuck you, you despicable drug-addicted lying pedophile punk.  Poor stupid dittoheads.

"No vote at the United Nations will ever create an independent Palestinian state', Obama said on May 22.