Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Live Streaming - I'm no damn stenographer!
Mitt, he doesn't mean jobs in China.
We'll fact-check that 90%, Rickie.
I'm glad teabaggers hate Jon Huntsman.
Who's the black guy?   Ain't Abel.
I'm glad teabaggers like Michele Bachmann.
I thought Ron Paul was a Libertarian?
Newt Gingrich is so yesterday's despicable fat slut.
Isn't Texas last in citizens with health insurance?
I'm glad teabaggers hate Jon Huntsman.
Michele, Marcus is back stage with the stage boy.
Newt, please, you're a fucking nobody.
What's Cain at, 1%?
Santorum-ManDog.  Sure, he cares about the poor.
Yeah Rickie, tell them to get a fucking job!
Sure Mitt, let's mine more coal.
Michele, Marcus has the oil.
I'm glad teabaggers hate Jon Huntsman.
I guess Paul knows a little about Rickie and Texas.
Rickie, you were a cheerleader at A&M.  Please.
Come on Paul, use that 'cheerleading' line again.
Somebody please wake Nancy.
Did you hear the one about Nancy and Frank Sinatra?
I think she was boinkin' Ronnie before he ditched Jane.
Okay, the music is off.
I missed that!  What did Rickie say about Rove?
Mitt defending Social Security?
Rickie is about, 'fixin tings'
Herman, Chile, huh? 
Come on Ron, his buddies made a bundle!
But what about all those federal handouts, Michele?
Saving lives and gettin' my buddies big bucks!
Santorum-ManDog. He's offended.
I'm glad teabaggers favor Perry over Romney.
Newt, I'm scared now.
Sure Ron, the fucking government caused 9/11.
Is he done yet?
He ain't Abel.
I'm glad teabaggers hate Jon Huntsman.
Texas is 47th in high school graduations!
Gather around, it's Newt's turn.
What the fuck, who's Jose?  Does he have papers?
Perry would just as soon shoot the motherfuckers!
Romney wants a fence?  Must have a company in mind.
Newt, you guys gave 3 million amnesty!  Not a few.
Santorum-Mandog - Poor Ronnie.  They fooled him.
Where's Marcus?
Herman 'Boots on the ground'.  Borders are for Feds.
You lost me Jon.  Your Reagan feigning moment... 
'Barb wire and machine guns'.  Go Ron.
Shit, a 'lightening round'??
Ah, ah, I'm not a teabagger!
I wish they'd had a balance budget agreement in 2001!
Sure Michele, Poor fucking Ronnie just couldn't help it.
I'm REAL glad teabaggers hate Jon Huntsman.
I'm REAL glad teabaggers favor Perry over Romney.
Yeah, the Secret Muslim did get the prize, Rickie.
Did we go to Afghanistan without a clear reason, Rickie?
Bachmann loathes our military and its veterans.
When did we 'go into Libya'?  How many causalities?
Reagan tradition?  What, sell Iran missiles?
You're in the wrong Party Jon.  They're neanderthals.
Sure Rickie, Galileo would be on the other side.
We'll fact check that 'clean Texas air' line, Rickie.
Bachmann's history.  Damn.  Her and Sarah-2012!
Newt, Reagan exploded the size of government!
They pay a lot of taxes Mitt!  Dumbass!
They're not paying for the war?  What an asshole!
They're fighting the fucking wars, asshole!
No sir, innocent? Let God separate their asses!
Boy, that crowd loves the death penalty, don't they?
Herman doesn't like following that one.
Herman, most of those jobs were lost under Bush.
Paul is still awake. He was the last one?  Fitting.