Thursday, September 01, 2011

A 'debate' only in simple-minds

Wingnuts attempt to re-write history
"Between the 2008 election and Obama's inauguration, the economy lost 2 million jobs. Economists at the Bureau of Economic Analysis recently reported that the economy shrunk by 8.9 percent during the third quarter of 2008 -- the fastest rate of contraction in 50 years."
Wingnuts and Teabaggers are trying very hard to re-write history and claim that the economy wasn't that bad when Barack Obama came into office during the George W. Bush Great Recession. Two million jobs lost, $100 billion a month federal deficit and an almost 9% decline in economic growth in the previous quarter.  Things were just great when Bush scurried away.

The ignorant - the 'low-information' voter that dominates the rightwing in this country will undoubtedly fall for that lie, but those of us who know better, will remind you of how stupid and gullible you are.