U.S. Born Terror Boss Anwar Al-Awlaki Killed

Now that's good news to start the weekend on. Killed Obliterated that traitor! Add another dividend from having a competent and focused Commander-in-Chief who goes after our real enemies!
Addendum: Ah, cool - a twofer!
Addendum II: How was your summer?
Sept. 30: Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born cleric killed in Yemen
August 2011: Abd al-Rahman, Al Qaeda’s top operational planner killed.
June 2011: Ilyas Kashmir, Al Qaeda's military operations chief in Pakistan killed.
June 2011: Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Al Qaeda's most senior operative in East Africa killed.
May 2011: Osama bin Laden killed.
Nice job, Mr. Panetta.
Addendum III: Uh oh, Ron.
People will only put up with just so much of that libertarian bullshit. Sometimes you have to use common sense.
Addendum: Ah, cool - a twofer!
Addendum II: How was your summer?
Sept. 30: Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born cleric killed in Yemen
August 2011: Abd al-Rahman, Al Qaeda’s top operational planner killed.
June 2011: Ilyas Kashmir, Al Qaeda's military operations chief in Pakistan killed.
June 2011: Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Al Qaeda's most senior operative in East Africa killed.
May 2011: Osama bin Laden killed.
Nice job, Mr. Panetta.
Addendum III: Uh oh, Ron.
People will only put up with just so much of that libertarian bullshit. Sometimes you have to use common sense.