Thursday, September 08, 2011

Balanced Budget Amendment

When George W. Bush was given the presidency in 2001 Republicans dominated both houses of Congress.  They had full power for six full years.

That very month that Bush took office, January 2001, the Congressional Budget Office issued its annual 'Budget and Economic Outlook' report and projected budget SURPLUSES of,  "$2 trillion over the next five years and $5.6 trillion over the coming decade." ('Summary' - under, 'Summary Table 1. - "The Budget Outlook".).

What happened?  It was an all Republican government.  Did Republicans pass a 'balanced budget amendment'?  No, of course not.  That's not what Republicans do.  Are you aware of the 'Two Santa Clauses Theory'?  Bush added almost $12 trillion to our debt!

I would have been all for a 'balanced budget amendment' in 2001. I knew George W. Bush would do exactly what Reagan and his old man did.  That's what Republicans have done in most of my lifetime. 

Yeah, we should have passed that amendment in 2001.  It's really too bad those phony-conservatives who now call themselves 'teabaggers' were such sheep and so pathetically ignorant back then.  And they want to be back in power?  Is there a majority that stupid?