Sunday, August 07, 2011

Wow, 'Newsbusters' published that?
"Look to you like the "job losses came in the first few months of this presidency?"

Quite the contrary, from January to December 2008, the economy shed over 3.6 million jobs, nearly two million in the fourth quarter alone."
There's an old adage written specifically for phony-conservative wingnuts; just let them keep talking - or writing - and they'll talk themselves into a circle of nonsense.

Noel Sheppard accuses Richard Wolffe of lying but in his attempt to do so, is forced to use a chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that shows we were losing 750,000 jobs a month when Obama took office.

'Newsbusters' is a Media Matters for America wanabee. But they're more like World Nut Daily and are generally quoted only for their absurdity. Saturday they got one right and didn't even know it.

And, oh yeah, Newbusters is tax-exempt. The gall.